Mylène Jaccoud

Mylène Jaccoud is a Professor at the School of Criminology and a researcher associated in the Center of public law at the University of Montreal. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Sociology and Anthropology (University of Lausanne, Switzerland) and a Ph.D in Criminology (University of Montreal). Her teachings concern restorative justice, mediation, First Nations and Inuit, social control theory and qualitative methods. Her research is centered on the analysis of the relationships between the penal system and the aboriginal peoples, in particular on governance relative to policing, sentencing, the marginalization of aboriginal women, family violence and alternative justice practices in an aborignal context. Her current works concern the support of inuit communities in the implementation of a project based on the reconstruction of the social regulation which is at present implanted as an experimental project in Nunavik (Saqijuq project). She is also committed to the development of training tools in the sector of penal mediation with the Association des organismes de justice alternative du Québec. Her community commitment brought her to develop a service of mediation and conflict resolution in a municipality of the Laurentian region, a service in which she acts as mediator.