Chuma Himonga

Chuma Himonga is a Professor of Law at the University of Cape Town (UCT). She holds the ‘Chair in Customary Law’ under the National Research Foundation (NRF) South African Research Chairs Initiative (SARChI).
Professor Himonga is a member of the South African Law Commission-Customary Law Project Committee and a Board member of the International Association of Law Schools.
She teaches African Customary Law and her researches are focused on : Women and Law, Children's Rights, South African Family Law, Customary Law, Comparative Family and Succession Law in Africa.
She is leading the team working on a socio-legal study on traditional marriages patterns and dynamics in modern Zambia, State Law’s recognition of customary land tenure in Bostwana, Dissolution of customary marriage in the South African legal pluralism context and Community dialogues on cultural practices within the South African constitutional framework