The editor Presses de l'Université de Laval will soon publish a book entitled ''Contribution à l'étude des systèmes juridiques autochtones et coutumiers'' (En: Contribution to the study of the customary and indigenous judicial systems) written under the guidance of Ghislain Otis. This collective work will tackle the quest of reconciliation through the fight for the acknowledgment of indigenous judicial traditions. Thus, authors will analyze data collected by teams engaged directly with indigenous collaborators and partners. Furthermore, this book will allow readers to discover how the indigenous peoples address family law, conflict resolution and relations to territory.
The conference ''The recording of customary/Indigenous law in South Africa, Canada and New Caledonia'' will be hosted by the DST / NRF Chair in Customary Law, Indigenous Values and Human Rights.
Professor Val Napoleon and her team prepared the first Integration report that presents the Secwepmec Laws Governing Land and Resources.
Professor Val Napoleon and her team prepared the first Integration report that presents the Civil Procedure of Coast Salish Laws Governing Administration of Justice.
The Bordeaux team has prepared the first Integration Report that presents legal pluralism regarding Land in Côte d'Ivoire.